Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are back!

Whew! We are back from Jekyll Island, Georgia! I feel so behind in everything! We very much enjoyed our vacation, but my husband and I were SO happy to get to see Jaxon again! Six days was too long to be away from our little man! Georgia was VERY hot and humid. So humid that when I went to take pictures, my lens cap fogged over and I had to wait about 15 minutes for it to "defrost" so I was able to get some shots!

To begin the vacation, my mom, dad, husband, and I went golfing on the "Oleander" course. On the entire island, there were these "Live Oak" trees that had a type of soft, pale-green moss growing from them. The trees' branches were so long that many grew to the ground and then up again. (More pictures of these to come!) They actually were kind of creepy looking trees! Here is a picture of one on the course.

Oleander Course was beautiful! There were lots of trees, lakes, and sand traps.......perfect for pictures, not so perfect for golfing :)

I kept wanting my husband or dad to hit their ball into a sand trap so I could get a picture of them hitting it out of the sand! Again, perfect for a picture, not so great if you are the one golfing!

This picture shows the enormity of the trees on the course!

While on Jekyll Island, my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary so I wanted to put a shot of them on here. Congratulations Mom and Dad!

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