Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just after we got off the historical trolley ride, we saw this butterfly and it seemed he was just begging to get his picture taken :) The designs on his wings are so cool!

Then it was off to the dolphin tour. My mom and I were very lucky and were able to see about 20 dolphins swimming in the same area. I like this picture because it looks like a shark swimming really close to the shore! However, it is just a playful dolphin trying to find its pod!

We were even lucky enough to see BABY dolphins. Here is one swimming by its mommy's side.

Now this little guy was very curious to what we humans were up to!

Finally, I love this picture because these three dolphins look to be swimming toward the sunken ship just off the shore. Ahhh.......the neatest hour and a half the entire trip!

I will be posting some more Georgia pictures I am sure, but it is off to bed for now!

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