Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jaxon's First Birthday

We celebrated Jaxon's first birthday this weekend! His daddy and I can't believe that it has been a whole year! We had lots of family down and spent the day barbecuing, eating cake, opening presents, and playing at Cody Park. After we rode the rides and looked at the animals, we decided to wade in the North Platte River!

This is Jaxon's Uncle Jon and cousin Aubrey. I just love this picture of Aubrey holding onto her daddy's hand!

Here is Aubrey again, but this time holding onto big brother Kyson's hand. You will be seeing a lot more these two on my blog so stay tuned!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just a few more from Georgia

This is the hotel we stayed in, the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. The resort was FULL of history. We were able to tour different millionaire's winter homes such as J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller. They lived in these homes only three months out of the year to escape the cold Northern winters. The square footage of the homes was any where between 12,000-16,000 square feet!!

Notice the croquet field in front of the hotel. We gave it a go one evening, but I am pretty sure we were playing it absolutely the wrong way!

This tree is said to be the oldest tree in Georgia at 350 years old! See how the branches have grown to the ground and then back up again. I don't know if any of you are Harry Potter fans, but my mom and I thought these trees belonged at Hogwarts!

I have many more Georgia pictures, but I think that is all my blog can take.
I have scheduled a few sessions with little girls for the middle of July so I ordered tutus and pink-flowered beanies. How exciting!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are back!

Whew! We are back from Jekyll Island, Georgia! I feel so behind in everything! We very much enjoyed our vacation, but my husband and I were SO happy to get to see Jaxon again! Six days was too long to be away from our little man! Georgia was VERY hot and humid. So humid that when I went to take pictures, my lens cap fogged over and I had to wait about 15 minutes for it to "defrost" so I was able to get some shots!

To begin the vacation, my mom, dad, husband, and I went golfing on the "Oleander" course. On the entire island, there were these "Live Oak" trees that had a type of soft, pale-green moss growing from them. The trees' branches were so long that many grew to the ground and then up again. (More pictures of these to come!) They actually were kind of creepy looking trees! Here is a picture of one on the course.

Oleander Course was beautiful! There were lots of trees, lakes, and sand traps.......perfect for pictures, not so perfect for golfing :)

I kept wanting my husband or dad to hit their ball into a sand trap so I could get a picture of them hitting it out of the sand! Again, perfect for a picture, not so great if you are the one golfing!

This picture shows the enormity of the trees on the course!

While on Jekyll Island, my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary so I wanted to put a shot of them on here. Congratulations Mom and Dad!
Just after we got off the historical trolley ride, we saw this butterfly and it seemed he was just begging to get his picture taken :) The designs on his wings are so cool!

Then it was off to the dolphin tour. My mom and I were very lucky and were able to see about 20 dolphins swimming in the same area. I like this picture because it looks like a shark swimming really close to the shore! However, it is just a playful dolphin trying to find its pod!

We were even lucky enough to see BABY dolphins. Here is one swimming by its mommy's side.

Now this little guy was very curious to what we humans were up to!

Finally, I love this picture because these three dolphins look to be swimming toward the sunken ship just off the shore. Ahhh.......the neatest hour and a half the entire trip!

I will be posting some more Georgia pictures I am sure, but it is off to bed for now!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Off to Georgia!

Well, I am off to Georgia tomorrow for a much needed vacation, so I won't be posting to my blog for a while. I will get back in about a week and will be posting a lot toward the end of June because I have three more sessions lined up! Thanks to all that are following me on here! I am really enjoying this new adventure so far :)

Taylor's Storyboards

Here are the storyboards that I made for Taylor. For some reason I could not get the black borders to go behind them like on Jaxon's, but they are still adorable I think!

When I was reviewing Taylor's pictures I just had to make this storyboard because she had so many different expressions during our time together!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Taylor is officially my first client, and I couldn't have chosen a more adorable one! Taylor's mommy and I teach together and had a really fun time taking Taylor out and about for a photo shoot. There were so many good ones I had to post a bunch!

Taylor just wanted to hang out for the first couple pictures.....

Ewww, I just love the relaxed demeanor Taylor has in this one. So peaceful.....

Just when we thought Taylor had had enough, she jumped behind the fence and gave us the following two great smiles!

I just love her big blue eyes in this one! I think she is adoringly looking at her mommy.

My favorite expression of the day! She saw a big truck like her daddy's and was so excited!

Thank you Tara for letting me take Taylor's pictures! I enjoyed it tremendously! You have a pretty cute little lady on your hands!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Christmas in June?

I know I know, Christmas is still six months away, but I LOVE experimenting with my editing program! It is now 11:42 P.M. and I am making myself get off. To heck with making supper and doing laundry......I want to edit!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Storyboard for Grandma!

Here is another storyboard I created, especially for Grandma Renae!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just beginning!

Hello everyone! I am just starting this photography adventure, so I started this blog to let everyone see pictures of Jaxon so I don't have to keep emailing them all the time! :) This week I am going to photograph a few other kiddos besides Jaxon so I am anxious to have new models! Keep checking my blog to see the new pics!
I am just doing outdoor photography now, but hopefully by this fall I will be able to get some studio lights and backgrounds!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Handsome Jaxon Laker!

Oh my goodness he looks like a big boy!

He was actually kind of fussy when we did this, but you would have never known from these pictures!

I love this one! He is so amazed by his little toes!

Whew! I thought he looked handsome in all of these so I had to post a bunch!

Doesn't he look Naughty!

I yet again took Jaxon out for some shots because I found a really cool trail with lots of greenery. I brought my mom along with me this time to help out! These two above pictures make him look so naughty!

Monday, June 1, 2009

My first storyboard!

I created my first storyboard of my favorite model! How exciting!