Sunday, May 31, 2009

Such a Trooper!

Jaxon is such a trooper being my model while I am trying to learn more. I thought this tree line would be a neat place to take photos, so we stopped on our way home from Grandma and Grandpa's house and tried it out. I don't think they turned out half bad :)

So much to learn!

I am discovering that there is much, much, much more to learn, but I am learning something new every day so that is a start! I am just taking pictures outside for right now and experimenting with my camera. Hopefully by this fall I will get some studio lights and backgrounds!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jaxon is just learning how to walk and REALLY taking off! He is so proud of himself, as he should be!

Just getting started!

Hello everyone! I just got my new camera, so I am trying it out! Whew! All this new photography lingo is a bit overwhelming. On top of that, try to keep an 11 month old still for a moment to take his picture! Here is our Jaxon Laker. We of course think he is the most gorgeous little man that ever roamed the Earth!